The Working Group is composed of research professionals from various departments. This group acts as departmental liaisons to clinical trial investigators. Working Group members can assist investigators in completing their record and understanding how to use the Protocol Registration and Results System (PRS). In addition to their duties within departments, Working Group members set clinical trials research policy, and assists the IRB in assuring compliance with clinical trial research related regulations FDAAA 801 and 42 CFR 11. 

HawkACT Determination Form 

Complete this HawkACT Determination form to provide feedback to the IRB on the registration and results reporting requirements.  

Request Help From a Working Group Member/Departmental Liaison 

Click here to complete the form and request in-person help from a Departmental Liaison.  

Institute for Clinical and Translation (ICTS) Services 

In addition to departmental liaisons, several ICTS members sit on the Working Group and offer unique services to clinical trial investigators. For a free consultation and more information on these services, please see the ICTS website Working Group Charge 


  • Inform the UI IRB Compliance Program and UI Human Research Protection Program of researcher community needs regarding regulatory requirements specified by Section 801 of the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act (FDAAA 801),, and the Protocol Registration and Results System (PRS).  
  • Identify opportunities for continuous quality improvement in facilitating the UI research community’s compliance with requirements, as well as requirements from other entities, including but not limited to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and the National Institutes of Health.  
  • Develop an in-house network of researchers who can serve as a resource to others in navigating regulatory and institutional requirements related to clinical trials and identifying best practices.   


  • Collaborate with the IRB Compliance Program and the Human Research Protections Program in the development and maintenance of policy and procedures that will improve compliance with regulations surrounding clinical trials; 
  • Serve on “ad hoc” working groups that evaluate specific issues and recommend potential improvements to the Network for adoption by the IRB Compliance Program and/or UI Human Research Protections Program, as well as participating in educational activities related to; 
  • Raise potential issues within their respective division/area that are obstacles to complying with FDAAA 801 and requirements from other entities; and 
  • Serve as a resource to other researchers in completing the records. 


Member Department Email Phone Number 
Lori Stout  Anesthesiology   (319) 356-2824
Alicia Walter Anesthesiology 353-8040
Cena Jones-Bitterman Cancer Center (319) 353-4596 
Angela Childs Cancer Center (319) 353-4595 
Dagem AderaCancer 467-5742
Kyle SchaeferCollege of Liberal Arts and (link sends e-mail) (319) 467-4105
Ericka E KlingnerCollege of Public (link sends e-mail) (319) 467-1880
Mindy E. Sickels Sterbenz College of Public (319) 335-4411
Sara (link sends e-mail) (319) 467-1321
Wendy (link sends e-mail)(319) 335-2123
Debra O'Connell-Moore ICTS 356-1693 
Kimberly Sprenger ICTS (319) 353-8862 
Tanya Stalder (319) 353-6490
Necole Miller Internal Medicine (319) 353-5175 
Karen S H Rock (319)356-8756
Maureen 356-0378
Tina M. (link sends e-mail)(319) 356-1145
David G. (link sends e-mail) (319) 384-4584
Katie (link sends e-mail) (319) 353-6600
Lori (319) 384 - 5631

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