The Human Subjects Office (HSO) and the Institutional Review Board (IRB) offer many training and educational opportunities to help Principal Investigators, student/trainee researchers, HawkIRB Delegates, research team members, Faculty Advisors and Course Instructors.

Research Navigation Tool and IRB Orientation

The Research Navigation Tool is a collaborative effort among the Human Research Protection Program Compliance Units and other UI units that can assist faculty and research scientists with getting their research started at the University of Iowa (UI). For new faculty and research scientists who complete the Research Navigation Tool, the Human Subjects Office offers an IRB Orientation that includes a virtual tour of our eResearch (HawkIRB) application system and overview of resources available for all UI researchers.

Researcher Handbook

The Office of the Vice President for Research offers many services and collaborative opportunities to help researchers get started at the UI. The Researcher Handbook includes information about resources available within the UI Human Research Protection Program and on the UI campus.

UI IRB Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) & Researcher Guide

In accordance with regulatory requirements, the UI IRB publishes policies and guidance for researchers in the UI IRB SOP & Researcher Guide. Part I outlines IRB policies and procedures and Part II provides guidance for researchers in the order of the HawkIRB New Project application

Educational Tools and Checklists

Educational Tools provide supplemental guidance regarding best practices for study procedures and compliance with federal regulations and institutional policies. The checklists are resources to help researchers prepare consistent HawkIRB submissions and oversee specific types of research.

HawkIRB Training Sessions

HawkIRB Training sessions provide basic information about technical aspects of the eResearch system and guidance about content for specific questions in the IRB forms.

ICON Course for Researchers

The Human Subjects Office uses Iowa Courses Online (ICON), the UI learning management system, to post educational content for the UI research community. Modules include required HawkIRB training for Student Principal Investigators as well as recordings of timely presentations given on a semester-by-semester basis.

Office Hours

Human Subjects Office staff hold regular office hours to provide in-person assistance to UI faculty, staff and student researchers.


The IRB Education & Outreach Program offers 3-5 presentations each semester on research-related topics. We are also available to give presentations by request to research courses or seminars, department or college groups, research labs and teams, journal clubs and other small groups.


The monthly IRB Connection Newsletter provides information, guidance and updates for the UI research community. The distribution list includes PIs, HawkIRB Delegates and research team members. Other individuals can subscribe to the newsletter.

Education and Outreach Services

The IRB Education & Outreach team offers individualized outreach activities to colleges, departments, and small group (research labs/teams and investigators to meet the needs of the UI research community. Individual or group sessions provide guidance on federal regulations, institutional policy, research ethics and other research-related topics. This includes question and answer sessions and HawkIRB help sessions.

IRB Display at Research Fairs and Other Events

The IRB Education & Outreach team is available to attend research fairs and other research-related events with an IRB display banner, educational materials, and promotional items. Contact us by email ( or phone (319-335-6564).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This page provides answers to common questions and issues faced by researchers and the IRB with references to guidance documents and educational resources available on the Human Subjects Office website.

Other UI Resources for Researchers

This page offers links to other resources at the University of Iowa with useful information for faculty, staff, and students engaged in research. These include information about the Office for the Vice President for Research, My Research Portal, and offices responsible for research integrity and data security.