The IRB Education & Outreach team conducts outreach activities on a College, Department or small group-level. We offer these services to establish direct contact and meet the needs of the UI research community. These outreach efforts provide UI faculty, staff and student researchers with the knowledge and information necessary to prepare thorough, detailed HawkIRB submissions that go through the IRB review process as smoothly as possible. We offer these outreach services in conjunction with all of the other educational services described on the Get Help page of the Human Subjects Office website.

These activities are available upon request or may arise based on HawkIRB submissions, IRB determinations. They can take the following form:

  • Work with IRB Liaisons, funding award administrators or academic program coordinators that oversee awardees/students who conduct human subjects research.
  • Meet with small groups of faculty and/or students/trainees to provide education, guidance or answer questions related to types of research or methodologies.
  • Assist with crafting website content or instructions related to the IRB or the protection of human subjects for award applicants/recipients or students in a program.
  • Give presentations on requested topics for faculty, staff or student researchers, research team members, funding award applicants or awardees, etc.
  • Advise Principal Investigators and/or research team members about best practices for the ethical conduct of human subjects research.
  • Offer guidance to Principal Investigators about how to improve oversight or management of an IRB-approved project.
  • Provide an orientation to IRB operations, policies and the eResearch (HawkIRB) system for new faculty members, incoming graduate students, monthly seminars for residents, postdoctoral fellows or professional students, honors research seminars, research methods courses, grand rounds, or any other group that requests this type of presentation.
  • Attend research fairs, faculty and student orientations, mandatory funding award meetings or other events to give a formal presentation or set up a display booth and be available to answer questions from attendees.

Please contact us to request any of these outreach activities or if you have any other educational needs related to the IRB, HawkIRB submissions, or the protection of human subjects. We are happy to prepare educational programming on a variety of topics to fit the needs of your audience.

IRB Education & Outreach Program
Phone: 319-335-6564