The Human Subjects Office uses Iowa Courses Online (ICON), the UI learning management system, to post educational content for the UI research community. This course is only accessible via this portal to the log-in screen. You must have an active HawkID to access this course.

For additional information, see the content outline.

Recordings of HawkIRB Training sessions (Student PI Training Requirement) 

These recordings are strongly encouraged for all UI researchers who use the HawkIRB system. There are recordings of the five-part series of HawkIRB Trainings:

  • Part 1* – How to Complete a New Project Form (HawkIRB overview through Section VI)
  • Part 2* – How to Complete a New Project Form (Section VII-Attachments)
  • Part 3 – Forms Submitted After IRB Approval (Modifications, Continuing Reviews, Reportable Event Forms and Project Close Forms)
  • Part 4 – Single IRB Model – Form Submission for Lead and Relying Sites
  • Part 5 – New Project form for Exempt Status

*Viewing the recordings and passing the quizzes for the Part 1 and Part 2 recordings about the HawkIRB New Project form satisfy the student PI training requirement

IRB Overview Presentation 

This presentation provides a good orientation to the UI IRB and IRB approval requirements for human subjects research. It is an excellent supplemental lecture for any research methods or responsible conduct of research course. It is ideal for students and trainees doing research as a course requirement, as an Honor’s, Master’s or doctoral dissertation, or just learning about the ethical conduct of research.

Additional Topics 

Each semester staff from the Human Subjects Office offer presentations on a variety of topics of interest to researchers. Recordings are posted in reverse chronological order. Follow this link for the presentation schedule for the current semester

Medical Ethics Advisor Newsletter 

The Human Subjects Office (HSO) subscribes to this monthly newsletter as a resource for the UI research community. Feel free to browse current or past issues to learn about the regulatory requirements and best practices for the protection of human research participants.