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HawkIRB is the eResearch IRB application and review system. HawkIRB Training sessions provide basic information about technical aspects of the eResearch system and guidance about content for specific questions in HawkIRB forms. These sessions teach Principal Investigators and HawkIRB Delegates how to prepare and submit HawkIRB forms for the first time. They offer guidance for preparing thorough, detailed IRB submissions to facilitate the IRB review process.
Recordings of the five-part HawkIRB training series is available in the IRB ICON Course for Researchers.
Part 1*: New Project Application (part 1) – HawkIRB overview and Sections I-IV
Part 2*: New Project Application (part 2) – Sections VI-XII and the Attachments and Other Committee pages
Part 3: Forms Submitted After IRB Approval – Modification, Continuing Review, Reportable Event Forms (REFs), and Project Close Forms
Part 4: HawkIRB Submissions for the Single IRB Model – Form submission for Lead and Relying Sites
Part 5: New Project Form for Exempt Status
NOTE: We strongly recommend attending the New Project sessions before attending the session on Forms Submitted After IRB Approval.
*Student Principal Investigators are required to view the Part 1 and Part 2 recordings and pass the respective quizzes to satisfy the student PI training requirement.
For Additional Help With Preparing HawkIRB Applications
In addition to HawkIRB Trainings, there are other resources available for assistance with preparing HawkIRB forms:
- There are links at the top and bottom of each section of the HawkIRB New Project form index carousel (the white boxes) to “What you need to start” (to fill out this section of the application) and “Why we (the IRB) need this information.”
Use the Help Messages associated with most of the questions in the HawkIRB form for guidance about the information to include in the response. Look for this icon:
- Attend IRB Office Hours
- Contact the Human Subjects Office during our regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-4:30 pm) - by phone (319-335-6564) or by email (