Leadership in the UI Human Research Protection Program and staff in the Human Subjects Office are very grateful for the time and effort IRB members contribute to the review of human subjects research applications. This page contains resources and information for new and current IRB members.

Accessing IRB Meeting Materials

IRB members must review all materials associated with each item on the IRB meeting agenda. These materials are available from the electronic meeting agenda in the HawkIRB system [HawkIRB > IRB Member tab > “Meetings” button > Link for the meeting date].

Primary Reviewer Information and Checklists

The IRB meeting agenda indicates the Primary Reviewer for each study on the agenda. The IRB Coordinator distributes the meeting agenda by email and posts it in the HawkIRB system at least 7 days before the meeting. The Primary Reviewer Checklist is available in the electronic agenda [HawkIRB > IRB Member tab > “Meetings” button > Link for the meeting date].

There is a checkmark icon for the Primary Reviewer Checklist.

IRB Meeting Manuals

The IRB Meeting Manual is a quick reference guide of federal regulations, guidance from regulatory agencies & institutional policies. There are separate manuals for IRB-01/03 and IRB-02 [HawkIRB > IRB Member tab > “Education” button > Log in with “HawkID@uiowa.edu” and your HawkID password].

IRB members may refer to the IRB Meeting Manual while preparing for an IRB meeting. There are also hard copies of the Meeting Manual available on the table at every in-person IRB meeting.

IRB Continuing Education

IRB members and Human Subjects Office (HSO) staff are required to complete IRB Continuing Education activities each month.  These activities prepare members and staff to conduct a thorough, high quality review of all human subjects research under the purview of the UI IRB. Ongoing education satisfies an AAHRPP accreditation standard for the University of Iowa Human Subjects Research Protection Program.

Each month, IRB members and staff are asked to read a document, watch a video or listen to a podcast and then complete a brief quiz.  Quizzes remain open for two months to allow time to complete the education requirement in a timely manner. The educational content remains available after the quizzes are locked.

Monthly modules are posted in the IRB Continuing Education modules in ICON (Iowa Courses Online), the UI course management system.  You must be on the class list to access this course. Detailed instructions for accessing the course are available in HawkIRB [IRB Member tab > “Education” button].

Questions: Contact the Assistant Director, IRB Education & Outreach by e-mail: irb@uiowa.edu or by phone: 319-335-6564.

New IRB Member Training Process and Materials

All new IRB members complete a standardized training process to ensure a thorough review of all research applications and, ultimately, to ensure the protection of human research subjects. During training, new IRB members are required to:

  1. Observe an IRB meeting
  2. Complete the online human subjects protection training (CITI Program), if not already completed
  3. Complete required readings – The reading list will be provided by email and one document is posted in the IRB Continuing Education ICON Course (you must be on the class list to access these materials. Scroll down to the module entitled “New IRB Member Training.”)
  4. Attend 1-2 training sessions
  5. Learn how to review IRB meeting materials in the HawkIRB system
  6. Learn how to serve as the Primary Reviewer and complete the Primary Reviewer Checklist (if applicable)
  7. Attend a meeting as a voting member and Primary Reviewer for a Modification or Continuing Review form (if applicable)

Additional information is available in IRB-specific documents outlining member roles, responsibilities, and the new member training process (provided by email to potential new members).

Recommend a Potential IRB Member

Current IRB members often provide recommendations for new people to serve on the board. For more information about IRB membership, see the page Become an IRB Member and the IRB Member Recruitment brochure.

If you know someone who might be interested, please contact the Director of the Human Subjects Office or the Assistant Director, IRB Education & Outreach, at irb@uiowa.edu or 319-335-6564.