The Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Committee (NRC) must give its approval for research to be done within the Department of Nursing Services and Patient Care.  This committee is charged with assuring that the rights and welfare of patients and nursing personnel are protected.  The NRC reviews studies that involve (1) the use of resources including participation of Department of Nursing Services and Patient Care staff in research activities or as subjects (2) procedures not normally part of the regular nursing or patient care activities of the unit or clinic, and (3) research that evaluates nursing practice.

Studies should be reviewed by the NRC and approved before they are initiated.  The deliberations of this committee are not shared with the IRB unless there are specific subject protection issues raised by the NRC.

As of July 2012, it IS a requirement to obtain Nursing Research Committee approval prior to final approval by the appropriate IRB.

The NRC Form can be found under the Other Committee Review section of the HawkIRB application.  In order to access the electronic Workflow Form I, question V.26 of the HawkIRB application must be marked "yes" to trigger this link to this form.

N-A-12.001    Approval to do Research within the Department of Nursing

Direct questions to:

Kirsten Hanrahan, DNP, ARNP
Director, Office of Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice
T135-CNO General Hospital
319-384-7189 (link sends e-mail)