Session 1: What’s All the Fuss? The Who, What and Why of Single IRB (sIRB)

Event Date: 

Mon, Aug 29, 2016 - 10:30am to 11:30am

Event Location: 

Braley Auditorium, 01136 Pomerantz Family Pavilion (PFP), University Hospital

This is the first of a three-part series on the use of single, external or commercial IRBs.  It will be an introductory session for research coordinators, principal investigators, and research staff who do not have prior experience with an external or single IRB model. The second and third presentations in this series will build on the information presented in this first session.

During this hour, we will introduce the concept of a single IRB of record for a multisite study, the role the University of Iowa’s Human Research Protection Program when using this research model, requirements for researchers who want to use this model, and how the Human Subjects Office (HSO) staff can facilitate the process.  Attend this session to learn:

  • What it means to use the Single IRB (sIRB) model
  • Why & when it is used
  • How to get started

Pre-registration is recommended. 

Directions to Braley Auditorium, 01136 PFP, UIHC

The Braley Auditorium (Room 01136 PFP) is located in the University of Iowa Hosptials and Clinics lower level Pomerantz Family Pavilion. Take elevator L to the lower level, turn left as you exit the elevator, and take the next two lefts. 

Map location showing Pomerantz Family Pavilion location at the far south end of UIHC