Medical Radiation Protection Committee

The Medical Radiation Protection Committee operates under the auspices of the University of Iowa Radiation Protection Executive Committee.  The MRPC is charged with ascertaining that all experimental or research uses of radioactive materials and/or ionizing radiation in or on human beings conform to the currently accepted radiation protection regulations and practices, and the University of Iowa Radioactive Material License on file with the Iowa Department of Public Health.  The committee reviews studies involving x-ray, use of radioisotopes, and lasers.  This committee serves as the University's Radioactive Drug Research Committee. 

It is not a requirement that an investigator have MRPC approval prior to IRB review.  The MRPC has developed a checklist (part of the Human Subjects New Project Application Form on HawkIRB) for investigators to use to determine whether a project needs to be reviewed by the committee.  If MRPC review is required, the MRPC must review the study before final approval is granted by the IRB.  

To prevent delays in the total review process, at its discretion, the IRB may allow concurrent review by the IRB and the MRPC and defer release of the study contingent upon receipt and review of MRPC deliberations.

If MRPC review is completed after the IRB review, the IRB chair reviews any MRPC comments.  If the chair believes the suggested changes are appropriate and qualify as minor modifications, the IRB chair reviews these through an expedited process.  If changes exceed minor modifications, the IRB chair refers the application back to the full board for review prior to final approval.

Two different MRPC application forms are available.  Link directly to the Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHS) website below and click on Radiation Safety.

Medical Radiation Protection Committee Forms

Direct questions to:

Gordon Axt
Radiation Safety Office 
200 B EHS 
(319) 335-8503

Application materials and instructions also are available from the Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHS) Health Protection Office, (319) 335-8501.