Other Research Review

The University of Iowa IRBs interact with other University of Iowa committees and programs that review research projects involving human subjects.  None of these entities are a formal part of the University of Iowa IRB structure, but there is communication between the committees/programs regarding status of review and/or conditions of approval. The UI IRB provides some tools to help researchers learn about and obtain approval from these other entities, as necessary. The Other Committee Tool includes:

  • The first graphic illustrates the relationship of these entities to the UI IRB review process.  In most cases, if an IRB external to the University of Iowa is serving as the IRB of record, all University of Iowa committees must have approval in place prior to submission to the external IRB. 
  • The Other Committee Graphic helps researchers identify which committees need to review and approve a research project. HRPP Committee reviews occur concurrently with the IRB review.  The UI HRPP strongly encourages parallel submissions to all applicable HRPP committees to prevent delays.  This graphic is color coded to indicate if the committee must approve the study before the IRB review or if the committee review can be concurrent with, after or completely separate from IRB review and approval of the project.
  • The HRPP Committee Regulatory Mandates includes references to the regulatory entities and laws that guide each committee.

The overall Human Research Protection Program Review process is outlined in this flowchart.

For more information about an individual review entity, click on the corresponding link below.